Ports and Network interactions in Vitess #
Many/most of these ports are fully configurable, but we are listing their defaults or the defaults we use in examples here. Your environment may differ considerably, depending on your configuration options for the various components:
- Data path:
- Main query path:
- application → vtgate
- TCP port 3306 or 15306 (MySQL)
- TCP port 15999 (gRPC)
- vtgate → vttablet
- TCP port 16000 + vttablet UID (gRPC); e.g port 16100 for UID 100
- vttablet → MySQL
- local Unix domain socket (if MySQL is local)
- TCP port 3306 (if MySQL is remote)
- vttablet → vttablet: vreplication within or across shards
- TCP port 16000 + vttablet UID (gRPC); e.g port 16100 for UID 100
- MySQL → MySQL: within-shard replication
- TCP port 3306 (MySQL protocol)
- application → vtgate
- Main query path:
- Control or meta-data paths:
- vtctld → vttablet
- TCP port 16000 + vttablet UID (gRPC); e.g port 16100 for UID 100
- vtctlclient → vtctld
- TCP port 15999 (gRPC)
- vtgate → topology server
- Depends on topology server, e.g.:
- for etcd typically TCP port 2379
- for consul typically TCP port 8502
- for zookeeper typically TCP port 2888
- Depends on topology server, e.g.:
- administrator using web browser → vtgate web UI
- TCP port 15001 (HTTP)
- administrator using web browser → vttablet web UI
- TCP port 15000 + vttablet UID (HTTP); e.g port 15100 for UID 100
- administrator using web browser → vtctld web UI
- TCP port 15000 (HTTP)
- Metrics scraper (e.g. Prometheus) → vtgate web port
- TCP port 15001 (HTTP)
- Metrics scraper (e.g. Prometheus) → vttablet web port
- TCP port 15000 + vttablet UID (HTTP); e.g port 15100 for UID 100
- Metrics scraper (e.g. Prometheus) → vtctld web port
- TCP port 15000 (HTTP)
- vtctld → vttablet