OnlineDDL show
vtctldclient OnlineDDL show #
Display information about online DDL operations.
vtctldclient OnlineDDL show
Examples #
OnlineDDL show test_keyspace 82fa54ac_e83e_11ea_96b7_f875a4d24e90
OnlineDDL show test_keyspace all
OnlineDDL show --order descending test_keyspace all
OnlineDDL show --limit 10 test_keyspace all
OnlineDDL show --skip 5 --limit 10 test_keyspace all
OnlineDDL show test_keyspace running
OnlineDDL show test_keyspace complete
OnlineDDL show test_keyspace failed
Options #
-h, --help help for show
--json Output JSON instead of human-readable table.
--limit uint Limit number of rows returned in output.
--order id Sort the results by id property of the Schema migration. (default "asc")
--skip uint Skip specified number of rows returned in output.
Options inherited from parent commands #
--action_timeout duration timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
--compact use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
--server string server to use for the connection (required)
- vtctldclient OnlineDDL - Operates on online DDL (schema migrations).